Best Progressive Web App (PWA) courses online

Sep 19, 2020  ·  4150 views

Here are some best online courses for Progressive Web Applications you should not miss before starting a course. With the growing need and demand for Progressive Web Applications it is required for every Frontend developer to learn PWA.

Progressive Web Apps is the next big thing that is being considered in developing apps for devices of all sizes. They are simple web applications which work as native apps on mobile devices and as normal websites on desktop and other devices. This brings the simplicity of a web app and the power of a native app.

They just need to be added to the home screen and then they start working almost as native apps. This would stop the need for installing heavy apps taking up your memory and time. For a business, this will bring down the hectic maintenance of multiple platforms to a single PWA app. I.e., we need not to maintain separate apps in Play Store, AppStore, web applications. Just a single PWA will serve the purpose.

Here is our detailed article on Progressive Web apps.

With such importance, learning PWA is very important and required for a Frondend developer.

Top online courses on Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

  1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - The Complete Guide Course
  2. Progressive Web Apps: The Concise PWA Masterclass
  3. PWA with Vue JS, Quasar & Firebase (with NodeJS & Express)
  4. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - From Beginner to Expert
  5. Learn React by building a Progressive Web App (PWA)
  6. Learn to build progressive web apps using JavaScript

List of Best online courses on PWA

1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - The Complete Guide Course

  • Rating: 4.7/5 (8077 ratings)
  • Duration: 16 hours
  • Certificate of completion: Yes

> Build a Progressive Web App (PWA) that feels like an iOS & Android App, using Device Camera, Push Notifications and more

What do you learn from this?

  • Build web apps that look and feel like native mobile apps for iOS and Android
  • Use service workers to build web apps that work without internet connection (offline-first)
  • Leverage device features like the camera and geolocation in your web apps
  • Use web push notifications to increase user engagement with your web apps

More details about the course here - Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - The Complete Guide

2. Progressive Web Apps: The Concise PWA Masterclass

  • Rating: 4.7/5 (592 ratings)
  • Duration: 6 hours
  • Certificate of completion: Yes

> Everything you need to build Progressive Web Apps from Scratch, or upgrade your existing Web Apps to PWAs.

What do you learn from this?

  • Understand the purpose of PWAs.
  • Learn each aspect of the Service Worker API and the Caching API in depth.
  • Learn to add PWA technologies into existing web apps with the help of progressive enhancement.
  • Convert an existing web app to a full-featured Progressive Web App without compromising support for older Browsers.
  • Audit and improve a Progressive Web App with the help of Google Lighthouse testing tool.

More details about the course here - Progressive Web Apps: The Concise PWA Masterclass

3. PWA with Vue JS, Quasar & Firebase (with NodeJS & Express)##

  • Rating: 4.8/5 (104 ratings)
  • Duration: 15 hours
  • Certificate of completion: Yes

> Create a Beautiful Instagram-Style Progressive Web App with Vue, Quasar, Firebase, NodeJS & Express

What do you learn from this?

  • How to create a beautiful Instagram clone PWA with Vue JS, Quasar & Firebase
  • How to integrate the 5 Core PWA Features: Home Screen Installation, Precaching, Caching Strategies, Background Sync & Push Notifications
  • How to make a PWA fully functional offline
  • How to create a gorgeous responsive design that adapts across Mobile & Desktop
  • How to access the device's Native Camera & Location
  • All about Service Workers, Workbox, Firebase Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage, NodeJS & Express and much more

More details about this course - PWA with Vue JS, Quasar & Firebase (with NodeJS & Express)

4. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - From Beginner to Expert

  • Rating: 4.2/5 (65 ratings)
  • Duration: 19.5 hours
  • Certificate of completion: Yes

> Learn How To Deliver the Best User Experiences using the Best Web Technology

What do you learn from this?

  • How to build the best in class web applications
  • What Progresssive Web Apps Are and Why They Should Develop Them
  • How to craft the perfect Add To Homescreen Experience
  • Why all websites should be secure and how to secure them
  • What a Service Worker Is
  • How to develop Service Workers Using good JavaScript practices
  • The Service Worker Life Cycle
  • What Service Worker Caching is
  • Different Caching Strategies and How to Apply them in a real application
  • Progressive Web Application and Service Worker Tools
  • How to polyfill legacy browsers and platforms to provide many PWA features
  • How to add native push notifications to any website

More details about this course here - Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - From Beginner to Expert

5. Learn React by building a Progressive Web App (PWA)

  • Rating: 4.2/5 (65 ratings)
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Certificate of completion: Yes

> Build and deploy - Real world Movie Browser Progressive Web Application (PWA) using the latest version (16.3.0) of React

What do you learn from this?

  • React fundamentals
  • Creating Stateful and Stateless components
  • Create Single-Page-Application (SPA) using React-Router-DOM
  • Access RESTful services from 3rd party service providers (Open Movie Database API)
  • Make the React application a PWA using ServiceWorker
  • Build a production version of our app
  • Deploy our app on Google's Firebase hosting service

More details about this course - Learn React by building a Progressive Web App (PWA)

6. Learn to build progressive web apps using JavaScript

  • Rating: 4.3 (5 ratings)
  • Duration: 3 hours

> The complete PWA guide for JavaScript developers

What do you learn from this?

  • Learn core concepts of professional JavaScript development
  • Learn to build progressive web apps using core JavaScript
  • Learn to build a real world apps

More details about this course - Learn to build progressive web apps using JavaScript

7. Intro to Progressive Web Apps by Google##

This is a free course from Google on Udacity.

Timeline: Aprox. 2 weeks

> Web Apps for the Next Billion Users

About this course:

In this course you’ll get started working on your very first Progressive Web App (PWA) - a web app that can take advantage of many of the features native applications have enjoyed. You’ll also get more experience in creating a web app that works offline using Service Workers. Finally, you’ll make your app installable to the user’s home screen with the Web App Manifest file.

Register for the course here - Intro to Progressive Web Apps

This is a selected list of courses and there are lot many blogs or tutorials online on Progressive Web Apps. Il try to keep the list updated when ever possible.



A Software Engineer by profession, a part time blogger and an enthusiast programmer. You can find more about me here.

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