'python' - tagged posts

A beginner guide to learn how to build your first Artificial Neural Networks with Python, Keras, Tensorflow without any prior knowledge of building deep learning models.

This post helps you to setup Deep learning environment with Python, TensorFlow, Keras and Theano library using Anaconda. It does not use command line so even a naive user can do this setup.

This post shows how to upload data from a csv file to ElasticSearch using Python ElasticSearch Client - Bulk helpers.

6 years ago by Pranay

This post describes how to perform bulk actions to ElasticSearch using Python ElasticSearch Client - Bulk helpers.

6 years ago by Pranay

This post focuses on different ways of running or hosting Jupyter Notebooks over cloud for free provided by various big players in the field of data science.

A beginner guide on how to setup Python environment for Machine Learning using the latest and most effective IDEs. It uses Anaconda distribution of Python and Jupyter as IDE.

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